by Lynn Hahn | May 15, 2015 |
Today the class worked together to write this paragraph. The students can use this sensory story for their Earthkeepers. The students should have props to help enhance the story. Then the students should write a paragraph about telling the story and the props they...
by Melissa Kulbeda | May 15, 2015 |
Happy Friday! Today the students got to do lots of lazy reading time. Of course “lots” of time on Friday translates to about 40 minutes, but it seemed to be sufficient for everyone! Monday is mismatch day! Students can wear clothes that mismatch, like...
by Melissa Kulbeda | May 14, 2015 |
Tomorrow is L day- Lazy day! I’ve invited students to bring a pillow and special book to class. Please only 1 pillow per student and no blankets, stuffed animals, etc. (We did agree that pillow pets and the like are ok… if it ever had the word...
by Melissa Kulbeda | May 14, 2015 |
We are wrapping up our geometry unit! We’ll be doing an assessment tomorrow focusing on matching a block building to its drawing. We did a following directions activity today that was challenging at first, but many students caught on quickly!
by Adam Corra | May 13, 2015 |
The K-4 students have been enjoying some Tabata workouts. Tabata?? What’s that?? Tabata is interval training, 2o seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. It is a great way to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time. The students have...