Students at Prairie Crossing Charter School take part in formal assessments throughout the year to determine understanding and their level of knowledge in different content areas, specifically in the areas of reading and math.

The State of Illinois Report Card for School Year 2023-24
Curriculum-Based Measurement
Curriculum-Based Measurement, or CBM, is an assessment approach called General Outcome Measurement which utilizes specific tools to assess students’ academic performance compared to a norm group through brief, standardized measures. CBM provides a complement to the summative (high stakes) assessment/evaluation model prevalent in education today. CBM tools are simple and accurate, allowing us to make data-based, timely decisions about what students need. Considerable research of these general outcome measures has demonstrated their ability to make accurate judgments and demonstrate appropriate standards of growth and development across varied curricula, teachers, and schools. PCCS benchmarking, which occurs in Kindergarten through grade 5 every fall, winter, and spring, includes several AIMSweb (“brand”) CBM tools for students which assess early literacy, early numeracy, reading, mathematical computation, and mathematical application/problem solving skills.
Before the 30th day of each school year, every school district shall report, for each of its schools, all of that years Assessment reporting:
Also known as the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP), NWEA is a dynamic computer based assessment. A multiple test format is used to assess an individual student’s knowledge in a particular content area. This assessment is given to students in second through eighth grades, in the areas of Reading and Math, twice a year (fall and spring). This assessment assists the classroom teacher to identify a student’s level of knowledge and determine a starting point for instruction in the content area assessed.
The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is the state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. IAR assesses the New Illinois Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core and will be administered in English language arts and mathematics to all students in grades 3-8.
For more information on standardized testing and PARCC at IAR click here.