by Brittany Siwy | Oct 11, 2015 |
The students did an awesome job performing the 3 R’s song by Jack Johnson in front of the entire school 🙂 So proud of them! Click below to enjoy the videotaped performance....
by Lynn Hahn | Oct 11, 2015 |
Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter October 11, 2015 Math During math this past week the students are solving multiplication and division problems.  They solve the problems by breaking the numbers apart, using cubes, and drawing pictures.   They also solved problems...
by Roxanne Turner | Oct 9, 2015 |
As part of a school-wide effort, we participated in several Anti-bully Week activities this week. For one, all of the students in our class wrote compliments to six classmates chosen randomly. We were so impressed with some of the heartfelt sentiments the kids shared...
by Roxanne Turner | Oct 8, 2015 |
On Tuesday this week, PCCS started October’s Green Challenge – Trash Free Lunch!  We know that many of you already pack trash-free lunches, which is awesome. This month, students will learn more about why’s it is important, what impact it can have, and what more can...
by Lori Buesking | Oct 7, 2015 |
Although we did get outside this afternoon, we had a change of plans in what surrounded us! Instead of visiting our class tree (we will wait for our 2nd tree to change into some fall color… 🙂 ), students tried their hand at texture words! Students have been...