by Lynn Hahn | Jan 24, 2016 |
Ms. Hahn’s NewsletterJanuary 24, 2016MathThe past two weeks students have been working on comparing fractions. They used fraction tiles to show the larger fraction. Then we began making a common denominator or numerator to compare the fractions. Students are...
by Lynn Hahn | Jan 23, 2016 |
I seriously can’t believe how fast January is going by, it is really crazy. This week was another good one. We didn’t have school on Monday, so the long weekend was nice. And on Tuesday Ms. Hahn had to stay home with a sick child, so it was just me and...
by Lori Buesking | Jan 22, 2016 |
Spelling Spelling is in full swing! Students may be having some review of features, so a few sorts may look familiar. They will continue to meet with me and Ms. Nham for explanations of their sort and further exploration into words with the same patterns (word hunts)....
by Roxanne Turner | Jan 22, 2016 |
Despite having Monday off, we have accomplished a lot in our classroom this week. We enjoyed another great Farm to Table on Wednesday, featuring chicken and egg salad and a soup generously made by Mrs. Maier. Many of the kids gave the meal rave reviews! In ELA, we are...
by Adam Corra | Jan 20, 2016 |
It has been a while but here are a few things we have been working on the last couple of weeks.K-2 has been working on their fitness with relay races! Many different types of relays vary time and type. The kids did an awesome job with them and were really getting...