Nov. 22, 2015 Newsletter

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter and November 22, 2015   Math   The students continued to learn about length measurements including metric and US measurements.  They finished finding the length, width, perimeter, and area of different rectangles. The students then...

Warm Clothing Donations

Ms. Marlette and I want to thank everyone so much for participating in our warm clothing donation drive.  Three students loaded up Ms. Marlette’s vehicle with almost 10 bags full of warm clothes that we will be donating to people in need.  This was the perfect...

SS Update

The students came up with some amazing Stonehenge poems to wrap up our Bones & Stones unit.  We will be working on the Bones & Stones Final Assessment on Monday (Spoonemore’s class) and Tuesday (Hershiser’s class).  This assessment involves writing...

Dinosaur Research Paper

For the past couple of weeks, the students have been working hard starting to gather information for their research papers.  We brainstormed a list of questions that we need to try to find the answers to for our paper.  This helped the students to begin to organize...

Math Update

This week we will be going over our Let’s Be Rational Unit Test.  We will then take the pre-test for our next unit, Decimal Ops.  When we return from break we will be starting the unit Decimal Ops:  Computing with Decimals and Percents.  This unit will help...