SS Update

Since coming back from spring break, we’ve ended our Egypt unit and have moved on to Ancient Greece.  Each student was assigned to a polis (city-state).  Ask your student if they are part of Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Megara, or Argos.  The students prepared an...

ELA Update 4/9

The students completed some excellent book covers and book reviews for their literature circle books that are currently displayed in the hallway.  I’m very proud of all of the students for working so hard on this final literature circle project.  We have spent...

Math Update 4/9

We just began our new unit Data About Us.  The focus of this unit is on statistical investigation.  Students will organize, display, analyze and interpret data.  They will also compute statistics from and describe different types of data displays.  We spent...

Friday Feature (4/8)

We are so proud of the kids for handling PARCC testing this week with ease. Thank you for sending them to school well prepared for the day. They came in with a ready to work attitude, and we feel confident that they are putting forth their best efforts on the...

2016 Earth Week Information

Earth Week 2016 plans:***Monday (4/18): directly following the opening assembly for Earth Week, there is a volunteer appreciation event.Also Monday, 5/6 will be cooking Greek cuisine in correlation with our SS unit. We will also be building new Leopold benches outside...