Wrapping Up the Year

First of all, thank you to our wonderful volunteer carpool drivers who made yesterday’s canoe trip possible! We had a beautiful day for canoeing in the morning and hiking in the afternoon. Thank you!Second, with summer break approaching I wanted to offer the...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Last Weekly Review and Photos

Well, we’ve made it to the last week of the school year. I know all of the kids, and teachers too, are ready for summer break. So here is a quick recap of  last week. I will not be posting a blog entry next week, but I will probably upload my photos from the...

May 29, 2016 Last Week Schedule

Dear parents,I hope everyone is enjoying a nice three day weekend.  I wanted to send you a quick email about the week ahead.  There are a lot of things happening next week.  Please remind your child to clean out his/her backpack daily.  We will be sending more items...

Newsletter May 22, 2016

Hahn Newsletter May 22, 2016MathThe students learned about US standard measurement this past week.  They learned to convert the measurements into different units.  For example, how 10 cups = how many pints.  On Friday they took a short open note quick on US standard...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Week 37 Review and Photos

This is probably the second to last post I will do for this year, which is good because I have seemingly lost the ability to remember what it is we have done. In addition, I did not take as many pictures this week and something seems to be wrong with the page that I...