Academic Update 2/3/17

5th grade Math: students in my class started learning “rules” for multiplying and dividing with fractions this week. These rules introduce basic ideas of algebra to students and identify patterns for these types of math problems. Students have been...

Mr. Barber’s February 3rd Blog Post

Good afternoon! Our classroom had a wonderful January and a great start to February. Martenitsa is a Bulgarian holiday centered around the coming of spring. Starting March 1st you wear a martenitsi, a red and white bracelet. It is worn to ward off Baba Marta, a...

Sixth Grade Gazette 2/3/17

Dear parents,   In Social Studies, everyone completed a geography packet focusing on the countries of our world. Today, a Passport packet was also introduced — with a partner, everyone will fill out information about one country from every continent....


Flocabulary is an engaging way to introduce or review academic vocabulary or strategies with middle school learners. The main site offers a free trial, but there are many free videos to access anytime on YouTube when you search “Flocabulary.” Here is a...

Chromebook Damage Report

Use this form if you need to request a repair for your ChromeBook. Parent signature required. Click here for damage report form.