5th grade Math: students in my class started learning “rules” for multiplying and dividing with fractions this week. These rules introduce basic ideas of algebra to students and identify patterns for these types of math problems. Students have been practicing said rules by designing equations, word problems and visuals to go along with them. Next week we will be applying these rules through various station activities and games.
ELA: Students are completing their literature circle books this weekend if they have not already. The unit’s individual final assessment was introduced today. Please click here to read through the details on students options for this writing piece. Students get to decide between re-writing the final chapter of their book or starting a chapter of a book meant to be a sequel to their lit circle book. Organizers to guide the process are included and will be optional but due Wednesday for students who would like teacher feedback prior to the written chapter’s due date, which is Monday February 13th.
Social Studies: This week students did a great job applying their mapping knowledge using world maps in a variety of media. The main portion of this unit will be a project in 2 parts. Today, part 1 was introduced, the Passport research. Part 2 consists of students writing an independent travel log, as if they have visited the country to gather their research and are reporting back to school what they have learned about the culture. Our unit will then conclude with the traditional Taste of the World…more details coming in March.
The rough schedule for the unit is as follows, starting this Monday:
Mondays: choose country from new continent and begin research for the Passport
Tuesdays: second research day in class
Wednesdays: jigsaw with partner/trio to share out and fill in notes on their passport
Thursdays: begin drafting individual travel log on CB (may use the template here if they wish)
Fridays: second work day on travel log, possible class share out if time. Travel log due Monday and a new rotation begins. This rubric is how travel logs will be graded. Each student has received a hard-copy as well.