Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Hello, hello, and welcome back to a new school year! For our new families, I am so excited to have your students in our classroom. They’ve been a great addition to the class. For our established families, it’s amazing to see how much your kids have grown...

Week 2

  PICTURE DAY IS MONDAY! PICTURE DAY IS MONDAY! PICTURE DAY IS MONDAY!   It is hard to believe that we are almost on our third week of school, but it’s true! The 3rd and 4th graders began talking about scientific method, experimented with dancing...

Turner Tribune 8/25/17

Hello parents, My name is Sam Hurwitz, and I am the instructional assistant in your child’s class. If you ever need assistance with anything regarding our class, please feel free to email me in addition to Ms. Turner. This week, everyone performed their reader’s...
Character Education Lesson

Character Education Lesson

Today’s post is all about the books we are using to explore the different values we can show to be great classmates and do our best in and out of school – the Ordinary People Change the World series.  This is a series of biographies that are written by...

Hi Parents!

We love parent volunteers! Here is a link to sign up for a chance to volunteer in our room. We also need volunteers to help wash our rags each week. Let us know if you are willing, and we will send the rags home with your child at the end of the week. Thank you in...