A Chilly End to October

Although it’s chillier outside now, October activities keep up the enthusiasm and energy level in 5th grade. We will begin the week with both a unit math test and a science test on Natural Resources and Sustainability. We will also have an editing quiz in ELA on...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

This will be another short post due to lack of photos. But, naturally we had a pretty good week in Ms. Hahn’s class. P.E. has shifted from frisbee golf to lacrosse. Just in time too, because they can at least practice lacrosse skills inside with the colder...

Turner Tribune 10/27/17

Hello parents,This week we commemorated Anti-bullying week at PCCS. That said, it is of course essential that students, parents and staff alike continue to treat each other with respect and compassion. Here are some resources for anyone looking for guidance on working...

Week 13

The weather has certainly changed! Brrr! I hope everyone is staying warm. This week was another busy one in our 3/4 classroom. In writing, we started our rough drafts of our personal narratives. We are working towards putting our last personal narratives in book to...
Anti-Bullying Week (Part 1)

Anti-Bullying Week (Part 1)

This week, PCCS is having an Anti-Bullying week where we focus on what bullying is and how we can prevent it in our classroom and throughout the school.  Both blog entries this week will be about what we have been doing in the classroom.  Today’s entry will be...