Book Buddy Time

Book Buddy Time

We had a couple of times with our book buddies both yesterday and today! Yesterday, we went on a walk with our book buddies to Prairie Smoke Pond.  They had been studying all about John Muir and how he explored nature.  They wanted to share some of what they learned...

The Week of the Supermoon

Tonight we will experience the first (and last) supermoon of 2017. Hopefully, the night will be clear enough for us to enjoy the full moon as it coincides with the moon’s perigee – the point of its orbit that brings it closest to Earth. If you miss it...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

We came back from Thanksgiving break and hit the ground running. Fourth graders got a taste of working in a spreadsheet and using the sum function. They also created a chart with the data they were using. We are trying to incorporate a  technology lesson into our...

Turner Tribune 12/1/17

Greetings, Everyone got right back into the swing of things after Thanksgiving Break! In ELA, students continued their biography report, completing their outline packets and beginning to write their report. We are also nearly halfway through our lastest read aloud...