Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

It’s here, it’s here, it’s here! Winter break is so close, just 4 1/2 days until we all get to take a little time to reflect, relax, and resolve to make some changes for the upcoming year. I can assure you that teachers and students alike are ready for a bit of...

Turner Times 12/14/18

Greetings, In ELA, all students will be giving a brief oral presentation next week, to summarize their biography report for peers. Those presentations will tentatively take place Wednesday and Thursday. In social studies, students will complete their Village Level...

Classroom News

Good Afternoon, I hope this email finds you well. We have been working hard in class learning new concepts and expanding our knowledge. Tomorrow, we will meet with our book buddies and do an activity with them about Eating Real and using less stuff. We continue to...