Life After Earth Week

Dear Parents, Our Earth Week was filled with a lot of fun as well as time to reflect on ways we can enjoy and take care of our environment. Ask your child what they enjoyed most about the week! Some projects such as the Model of a Tiny Home and the Kindness Rocks are...

End of Day 7!

The trip has come to a conclusion! Tomorrow we are leaving bright and early for the long drive back home.  Students will be calling home approximately an hour before we arrive back at PCCS. We do not yet have an approximate time as we have to take traffic into...

ABC countdown

Ms. Hahn’s ABC Countdown   May 2- A: Appreciation Day- Give thanks to others! May 3- B: Buddy Day- Do Buddy activities!   May 6- C:  Catch a dream- make a dreamcatcher. May 7 – D: Discover at the Dunn Museum May 8- E:  Extra Recess May 9 – F:...

End of day 6! (with Day 5 Blog!)

Good evening parents! We are in the final stretch! We have landed in our final location and ready for our last big day.  Students are not calling home tomorrow, Sunday, April 28th.  We are going to be having a later night for our final few events before getting ready...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Oh my, I am so behind on my blog posts, I think I may have only done one since spring break. I have been updating the gallery tab with all the photos, so make sure to go there to see everything. Then read below to hear about all the outdoor activity we had this week...