Remote Learning Info

Hello families, It will be great to “Zoom” with some of the students today and see your faces. We will answer questions and review expectations for tomorrow, as well as get a chance to catch up on how everyone has been filling their time. Now, we want to...

E-Learning 3rd and 4th Grade

March 30th, 2020   Dear Parents and/or Guardians,   Prairie Crossing Charter School is utilizing Remote Learning days to constitute days of lost instruction due to Covid-19 as allowed by the Illinois School Board of Education. By utilizing Remote Learning...

Remote Learning

More information to come later today or early tomorrow, but the gist is that we will be starting Remote Learning Wednesday April 1st.  Students will be responsible for checking google classroom for their work and completing their assignments.  Students will have a...

Room 21 Register – 3/27/2020

Greetings 6th grade community, We just plain miss you! As soon as we get the start signal, we are ready to begin working with students again. In the meantime, we highly encourage the following: Ensure that 6th grade child(ren) have completed the Zoom Student...

Resources for Break/Until School Resumes

Hello everyone, We hope this email finds you and your loved ones well. As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, we want to continue providing opportunities for learning. The following optional academic resources may provide students practice opportunities...