Google Letter

August 15, 2020   Dear Families, I am writing to let you know your child has been given a school Google Login. The email address is the first initial and last name then For example, Jane Smith would be If your child’s...

Parent Virtual Information Letter

  Instructional Delivery Remote Learning Welcome to Third Grade!  When our school is in phase 4A, B, or C of our remote-learning plan, students may receive all or part of their instruction through live virtual lessons or independent on-line learning activities....

Recent Events

Hello parents, I have been drafting this message to you all, all week, searching for the right words and resources to share. Please know that if you are struggling right now, you are not alone. All of us are doing what we can to figure out how to be our best self...

Room 21 Register – 5/29/2020

Greetings families, We are one week away from the last day of school! It has been a year for the history books to be sure, but I can’t imagine going through this with anyone else. Thank you so much to students and parents alike: for your hard work, persistence and...

Room 21 Register – 5/22/2020

Hello and happy Friday, Students have truly done a wonderful job this week! In social studies, parents may have been able to get in on the fun of our Greek Weeks choice board. I LOVED seeing so many students’ drawings, slideshows and cooking experiences. While...