Classroom Update 1/28

Today was a bit odd for a Wednesday. We started our day with an assembly for National School Choice Week. Thank you for choosing to give your child the opportunity to attend PCCS! We also had Farm To Table lunch. We had over half the class get to experience eating new...

Math Update 1/28

Today’s math period was short because of our School Choice Assembly. We did have a chance to review the fraction “half” and “fourth” and do some activities with them. We will finish working with these fractions tomorrow.

Special Announcement, 1/27/2014

On Wednesday,  Jan 28, 2015 at 8:15 Prairie Crossing will gather to celebrate National School Choice Week. We should always remember that we are a school of choice and that we should support the continued opportunities schools like ours provide our students. Nowhere...

Internet Research

*View all posts here* As you know, students are working on nonfiction writing. Something that can be difficult is searching for sources online, but it is a valuable resource (and skill!) for our class. We have been looking through books to learn about chosen topics...

Classroom Update 1/27

Tomorrow we celebrate School Choice Week!  Don’t forget to wear your yellow scarf that was given out last year. 🙂 Today we had 1 group able to test their phone prototype. Tomorrow will be a bit odd, with Farm to Table lunch, but hopefully we’ll get at...