Happy Wednesday!

What a great week we’ve had so far!  I’ve really enjoyed getting to catch up with my 6th graders and meet my new 5th graders. We had a fabulous first day!  We did some icebreaker activities to get to know each other a little better and discovered we had a...

Getting Outside

After being stuck inside due to the weather yesterday, our class got to spend our morning outside today! We had our first Solo Spots session of the year. Everyone picked out their own spot, made a map, and spent time journaling. Once in the sharing circle, a few brave...

Happy 1st Day!

Good evening! I hope you have had a chance to chat with your child about our first day of fifth grade together. I had a great time getting to know everyone a little bit better, and I hope they enjoyed the day’s activities! Below you will find few pictures of our...