Social Studies Update (Updated 5/12 to include links)

On Friday students were given information about the final project for our Greek unit, their “festival” display. This project allows students to select an area of Ancient Greek culture that most interests them.Most students have selected their final...

Prairie Burn

Although students did not get an opportunity to assist in this year’s burn, it was a great experience for them to talk with and learn from our guests. Enjoy a few photos from the event:   

Devil’s Lake Camping Trip!

Our Spring camping trip to Devil’s Lake is upon us! We will be leaving around 10 AM on Monday, May 9th, and returning in the early afternoon on Thursday, May 12th. Students should arrive at school at the usual time on Monday with all their gear for camping. The...

Classroom Updates 5/8/16

*First of all, I want to say thank you SO much for everything you did to make my Teacher Appreciation Week so special!  I am so grateful for my amazing gifts!  Thank you for being so generous as always!*It’s hard to believe the camping trip is a little over a...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Week 35 Review and Photos

This week we were pretty much back to a normal schedule which was actually nice. The weather was wonky so we had nice days and chilly days, it seemed to switch up every day. But we made the most of it and had a chance to be outside for music, PE, lunch, snack, and...