10/21 Classroom Update

10/21 Classroom Update

Hello PCCS families! It has been an exciting month of October here at Prairie Crossing and this blog post will hopefully help recap what we have done so far! Below are some important messages written by our students that should provide plenty of important information...

Week 10

We certainly ended up with a chilly week, but at least the staff vs. student soccer game was on a beautiful day! The 3rd and 4th graders wrapped up their Greek mythology unit and are now getting back into the swing of Daily 5. During Spanish, the students learned...

Sixth Grade Gazette 10/21/16

Dear parents,   It was a productive week for our sixth graders at PCCS this week! Possibly the most exciting class period this week may have been Thursday’s Social Studies lesson, where Mr. Deigan visited all students with a special idea. Mr. Deigan told students...