It’s Official

So the first trimester – and the World Series drought for the Cubs – has officially come to an end. Report cards will be sent home on Friday and a sign up sheet for conferences will be emailed home on Friday as well. Conferences will be held on Monday,...

Newsletter, Nov. 6, 2016

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter November 6, 2016 Reading At the beginning of the week the students read Jason and the Golden Fleece.  I also read a few folktales from Korea.  The books had all had a tricky rabbit in them.  In third grade students need to compare books by the...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Friday was the last day of the first trimester, and boy did it go by quickly. But at the same time, those young 2nd graders that entered our classroom on the first day, are now very much seasoned third graders. They all are so eager to pitch in and help the teachers...

Week 12

This week flew by, and it certainly made history! Go Cubbies! It was really great to see all the enthusiasm and excitement in the classroom. This week, we continued working on our true stories for writing. The 3rd and 4th graders met with their writing buddies to help...