So the first trimester – and the World Series drought for the Cubs – has officially come to an end. Report cards will be sent home on Friday and a sign up sheet for conferences will be emailed home on Friday as well. Conferences will be held on Monday, November 21st and Tuesday, November 22nd. Students are welcome and encouraged to attend! We are so proud of all your students and the progress they have made this trimester. The transition to 5th grade is not always easy, but we have seen everyone be successful and rise to the challenge! As the year progresses, we are confident that we will continue to grow into the best each of us can be.
Thank you all for your continued support! Whether at home or in the classroom, we truly couldn’t do this without each of you. Thanks also to Mrs. Profenna and the many parents who helped at school or worked behind the scenes to make our Halloween party a hit!
This week we will celebrate Veteran’s Day with classroom activities and an all school assembly on Friday at 8:30. If you or someone in your family is a veteran, please send us an email. We will be creating a list of servicemen and women, and we would be honored to add his/her name.