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Week 12

This week flew by, and it certainly made history! Go Cubbies! It was really great to see all the enthusiasm and excitement in the classroom.

This week, we continued working on our true stories for writing. The 3rd and 4th graders met with their writing buddies to help improve their stories. Some buddies helped each other check for spelling mistakes, some looked for indents in paragraphs, and other buddies helped with adding more detail. I cannot wait to read these stories on Tuesday (they are due on the 8th)! Social Studies continued with map work and creating our own scavenger hunt around PCCS. The students used their map skills to both create a scavenger hunt and follow another group’s scavenger hunt. Everyone had a fantastic time! 4th graders ended their brief unit in math on factors and multiples with a quiz.

Next week, we will turn in our true stories about a time that we felt important, and continue to develop our skills as a writer. 4th grade will start a new unit in math that focuses on how multiplication and division are related, and how numbers can be composed and decomposed. In Social Studies, we will deepen our knowledge of map features and talk about latitude and longitude.

The first trimester ends today November 4th. The parent portal will be turned off November 2nd through November 11th for teachers to prepare first trimester report cards. You will not be able to sign in or receive emailed progress reports during that time. Report cards will be sent home on Friday, November 11th.

We will be accepting toiletry donations for the Cool Food Pantry Veterans Aid Program on the day of the event. Please bring shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, soap, toothbrushes, etc. for our veterans.


Important dates:

Wednesday, November 9thDiwali Assembly & Celebration 9am-3pm Barn

Thursday, November 10th Farm to Table Registration Due

Friday, November 11th–Veterans Day Assembly 8:30am in the gym