Week 16

Happy December! It is hard to believe that the holidays are right around the corner. This week, our 4th graders participated in the Geography Bee. One winner and one runner-up were chosen. Good luck to them in the next round! Here is the flyer for our upcoming Winter...
Our Afternoon Field Trip!

Our Afternoon Field Trip!

Today, we had the opportunity to go on a field trip to Ryerson Woods!  Both our class and Ms. Johnson’s class went today.  Mrs. Jeffery’s and Mrs. Barnett’s classes will be going next week. After lunch and recess, we took the bus to the Brushwood...
Beginning Cooltopia Construction

Beginning Cooltopia Construction

It’s been a very short week, but we have still worked hard on our building of Cooltopia.  We have been creating a list of stores and buildings we may need in Cooltopia to have it function as a town.  The students then helped narrow this list down to 13 buildings...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Let’s jump right in. This week in PE the kids had one day when they played hula-hoop games, then they played broom ball, and finally scooter hockey. Here are a few photos: During recess the kids are still running an amusement park, that game really has legs. In...

A Week to be Thankful

As we prepare to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, I just wanted to take a moment and thank you all for the many things you do as parents and as volunteers at our school. Supporting your children at home – both emotionally and academically – makes such a...