March Green Challenge Assembly!

March Green Challenge Assembly!

Today was our Green Challenge Assembly for March!  We were able to sit with our Book Buddies and learn a lot about how water is used in everyday life.  For example, did you know it takes over 1,000 gallons of water to go through the process of making a pair of jeans? ...

Here Comes the Sun

I truly believe in the power of the sun to renew and strengthen us, particularly after a cold and icy winter. I hope you all have had a chance to soak up some of the sun this weekend! When checking email this morning, I noticed some of you were having trouble viewing...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

We had another good week in Ms. Hahn’s class. I actually took a few more pictures this time! In PE the kids have switched to badminton. They really seemed to like the game and have learned the skills quickly. On Friday they played team handball. Recess is always...

Turner Tribune 3/2/18

Greetings parents, Here is the website to sign-up for a student-led conference on March 8th: I am looking forward to meeting with you all and letting students share their reflection on learning in 6th grade. Please review this pamphlet prior to...

Week of Feb. 26-March 2

Happy March! Spring is just around the corner! In writing this week, we spent time creating our portfolios for Student- Led Conferences. The students reflected on the work that they did well on, and the work that they want to improve on. Everyone seems excited to...