by Adam Corra | Dec 1, 2014 |
All K-2 information will be posted here! 1-21-15 I hope everyone is enjoying being back in school and getting into the swing of things. We have hit the ground dancing and it has been fantastic! Each grade level has learned and performed a few different dances...
by Melissa Kulbeda | Dec 1, 2014 |
We started a new unit today called Data Analysis. Today we did an activity called quick survey in which we did a classroom survey. Today we asked the question, “Will you drink milk with dinner?” The students used post it notes with their names to indicate...
by Melissa Kulbeda | Dec 1, 2014 |
Hello and welcome back! It was so nice to see the students back and ready for action today. We had a typical Monday schedule, and started our next theme unit that focuses on waves, specifically this first few weeks on sound waves. Today the students thought of and...
by Lori Buesking | Dec 1, 2014 |
Please see attached file for some important information regarding our new unit on light and sound! Students will be bringing home a copy of this letter today, but you can get a sneak peek here. 😉 Light and Sound Letter
by Andrew Scott | Nov 30, 2014 |
I know it seems early to bring this up, but the PARCC Assessment will soon be upon us. Here’s the link the PARCC website so that you know a bit more about what your child will be seeing this spring. (There are even practice test questions on the site!)...