PARCC resource

Here is another link you might find helpful for the upcoming PARCC assessment in March.

2015 Service Learning Project

Update 1 This year, the ⅚ students and teachers have decided to merge high interest in our Social Studies unit on World Cultures with a love of food and an interest in how people around the world make sustainable food production choices; or how they could benefit from...

Classroom Update 1/15

Today in science we did a re-do of yesterday’s experiment on testing which string would work best for a string phone. After reviewing their worksheets last night I realized that the numbers some students had were wrong in a way that might impact their eventual...

Math Update 1/15

Today we continued working on measuring fish and doing some measurement related story problems. A common ‘problem area’ for students is understanding how to write their answer when a partial tile is needed to cover the fish completely. When students are...


For those students reading “Hoot” in ELA, an audiobook version of the tape is available on youtube. See the link …