by Robb Freeman | May 8, 2015 |
1/2: Here is your vocabulary. Make sure you can sort them by sound (ph-, -ph-, gh =f, silent gh). fought, paragraph, homophone, photograph, photocopy, telephone, paragraph, caught, physics, dolphin, enough, taught, daughter, laughter, alphabet, phrase, phantom,...
by Melissa Kulbeda | May 5, 2015 |
We had our final green challenge assembly today! Our focus until the end of the school is “Don’t litter!” We’ll be going out to collect litter a few time over the next few weeks. In science, the students are bringing home their science journals...
by Melissa Kulbeda | May 5, 2015 |
Today math was a little shorter because of our Green Challenge Assembly. We did get a chance to work on making and copying different cube formations. And we got a chance to pass out math homework, due tomorrow. 🙂  For the homework the students should take one or two...
by Lori Buesking | May 5, 2015 |
We have exciting news! Our environmental exchange box from a class of 1st graders in Atlanta, Georgia, arrived yesterday! We have just begun exploring the contents as we wrap up our own box. Students took full ownership of this project. From deciding what kind of...
by Lori Buesking | May 4, 2015 |
When students pick the spelling group names, you never know what you’re going to get! This round of names brought the same variety… 🙂 Below you will find the new names of our five spelling groups Listed underneath each group, you will find a link for the...