by Lynn Hahn | Jan 10, 2016 |
Ms. Hahn’s NewsletterJanuary 10, 2016MathAt the beginning of this week the students reviewed multi-digit multiplication and division. The second half of the week we began our fraction unit. The students make fractions with strips of paper that they used to find...
by Lynn Hahn | Jan 9, 2016 |
Here are some websites your child can play for extra math practice.BridgesPearson SuccessNetMultiplication HoodamathMathplaygroundFact MonsterCool Math GamesLearning Games for KidsMath PlaygroundFunbrainMath GamesWeeblyVisual Fractions
by Lynn Hahn | Jan 9, 2016 |
I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing winter break. It really didn’t seem like the kids had missed a beat. They all eagerly (OK, maybe not eagerly) jumped right back into the school routine. As usual we had a good combination of learning new things, getting...
by Lori Buesking | Jan 8, 2016 |
Spelling: Spelling groups will start receiving their sorts starting next week (one group per day). This means you may not see spelling homework come home until Friday. The day students receive their homework, they will write so in their assignment notebook (so that...
by Karin Stefans | Jan 8, 2016 |
Happy 2016 everyone! Only 4 months and 26 days until the end of the school year (but who’s counting… hehe)! Time sure does fly when you are having fun! The students have been having a blast this week as volcano week is in full eruption! We have been...