Earth Week Mystery – Prize

I’m not sure that everyone checks out our webpage, so I would like to reward those students who either take a look or have a parent who does. Please have your child come to Ms. Hahn or Mrs. Steinbeck sometime during Earth Week and tell us who the founder of...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Week 32 Review and Photos

Well, I didn’t take as many pictures this week, so I only have a few to share. However, that doesn’t mean that we weren’t busy, because we were. This week we worked on a map of the United States and the kids had to label all the states, capitals,...

2016 Earth Week Schedule

Here is the tentative Earth week schedule, for our class next week. Subject to changes based on weather and overall needs. Please ensure your child comes tot school prepared for a variety of outdoor activities. Thursday we will be off campus for lunch, so please...

Going Greek!

Apologies for this going up late: We have officially transitioned to our study of Ancient Greece. Please see this introductory parent letter to get a feel for our unit. Students have already dived into Greek history, and begun facing Greek Gods’ fates. After...

Update 4/11/2016

Good morning! Here is what we’ve been up to the past couple of weeks.WritingStudents continue to explore nonfiction writing. They did a fantastic job writing their “All About Me” book. Now they are focusing on research-based writing. Students have...