by Roxanne Turner | Sep 12, 2016 |
The PCCS Green Team is hosting a Green Apple Day of Service event at Prairie Crossing on September 24 from 9 until 11 am. Come out and help us build storage benches to improve our vegetable gardens! Click HERE to register for this event, and HERE for more...
by Roxanne Turner | Sep 12, 2016 |
Outside with Mrs. Flaig and Book Buddies: Harvesting at the Miller’s Prairie Crossing Farm: Jubilee Cooking 2016: Jigsawing in Social Studies to become experts on a branch of US government: Decorations around the...
by Lynn Hahn | Sep 11, 2016 |
Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter September 11, 2016 Reading This week I almost finished testing all the children’s reading levels. Next week I will be starting reading groups. Students will be put into small groups that will meet with me throughout the week. The...
by Lynn Hahn | Sep 10, 2016 |
We had a short week in Ms. Hahn’s class this week between the Labor Day holiday and an early release, but we still managed to get some things done. First, the boring stuff, the kids all took the NWEA tests for reading and math. Everyone did great and those that...
by Susan Neil | Sep 10, 2016 |