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Newsletter 9-11-16

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter

September 11, 2016




This week I almost finished testing all the children’s reading levels.  Next week I will be starting reading groups.  Students will be put into small groups that will meet with me throughout the week.  The students will be working on improving their reading skills.  We will work on comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and vocabulary.  While I work with small groups, other students will be doing Daily 5.


This week the students reviewed types of genres.  They also went over how to read with fluency.  You can help at home by asking your child to read out loud to you.  Encourage your child to read with expression and to pause at punctuation.  Next week we will be learning to recount what they read.  They will be learning to retell the most important details.




We did not get to the time assessment this week due to the different schedule this week and NWEA testing.  The students will finish up our unit on time and then we will do a short unit on addition and subtraction.  If your child does not know their addition or subtraction facts, please practice at home.  These should have been mastered in 2nd grade because 3rd grade will focus on multiplication.



The students are enjoying learning about the forest and trees.  The students learned the different parts of a tree including phloem, cambium, sapwood, heartwood, outer bark, and lateral roots.  The students acted out a part of the tree, and the class became one big tree.  The favorite science this week was going to Oak Openings.  The students studied the forest and played a tree finding game.  The student was blindfolded, led to a tree, and then studied the tree blindfolded.  After being led away and the blindfold taken off, the student had to find their tree.  




This week we discussed how authors include senses in their writing.  We made a list of touch and sound words they could use in their writing.  They were encouraged to use good descriptions in their writing using senses words.  Next week we will continue to study how authors include senses in their writing.




Please remember to send your child with a water bottle to school.  They might have PE outside and will need to drink water.


If your child decides to be in the band, your child will miss class.  It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work due to band lessons.


Please look at our class webpage for pictures and information posted by Mrs. Steinbeck.  There are also math games that we played in class.  There is also information about math games that were sent home on Friday and spelling sorts.


Some students are telling us they are still hungry after they have eaten all their food.  Please talk to your child to see if he/she might want more food during school.




All students now have a gmail account.  This account is only used for searching the web and using Google docs.  They do NOT have email.  The students also have an account for and Raz kids.  You will find all the login information in the cover of the assignment notebooks.  If you have a computer at home, I would encourage you to show your child how to log in to these accounts at home.  Your child could explore how to type a document in Google docs.


From the Office


The PCCS Green Team is hosting a Green Apple Day of Service event at Prairie Crossing on September 24 from 9 until 11 am.  Come out and help us build storage benches to improve our vegetable gardens!  Click HERE to register for this event, and HERE for more information!


Upcoming Dates


Wednesday, September 14- Farm To Table Lunch

Wednesday, September 21- No school, Teacher inservice


Spirit Week Schedule


Monday Sept. 12 – Patriot Day – (9/11) – Dress in Red White and Blue!  

Tuesday Sept. 13 – Everybody Outside Day

Wednesday Sept. 14 – Harry Potter Theme for Ms. Hahn’s class

Thursday Sept. 15 – Spirit Wear Day – Wear your PPCS Gear or just Green and White for the day.

Friday Sept. 16 – All School Picnic