A Little Bit of R and R

We hope you’ve been able to catch up on some rest and relaxation over this long week-end. With our crazy schedules, sometimes it’s nice to stop and catch our breath every once in a while! Now we are looking forward to a short, but exciting, week!!...

Newsletter, Feb. 19, 2017

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter February 19, 2017   Reading   We have almost finished reading The Last Voyage of the Griffon by Wendy Caszatt-Allen.  The students asked questions while they read, learned new vocabulary words, visualized what they read, and summarized...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Happy Long Weekend to You All! We had another fun and education filled week in Ms. Hahn’s class this week. I didn’t take as many pictures this week as I usually do, but please enjoy the ones I did get. Reading class has found the group racing to finish...

Week 28

This week may have been short, but it was definitely jam-packed! Tuesday was especially busy, but fun! We had a PBIS celebration and the students had a blast bouncing in the bouncy house, going through the obstacle course, and scooting on scooters. The...

Sixth Grade Gazette 2/16/17

Dear parents,   For this shortened week, sixth grade still got a lot done! In Social Studies, everyone began working on their second travel log, focusing on a South American country. Please make sure that your children are working on this over the weekend if it...