by Joshua Flinn | Aug 31, 2017 |
Teaching children how to tie their shoes can be a daunting task. Children tend to feel frustration with it and often when you are trying to get leave or are in a rush, it can be easier to just tie their shoes for them. Shoe tying takes great fine motor skills that...
by Lynn Hahn | Aug 31, 2017 |
Here is the permission slip for the upcoming field trip. CLC Play Sept 29 2017 Permission Slip
by Roxanne Turner | Aug 30, 2017 |
We met with our 2nd grade buddies for the first time today. It was beautiful outside, so we got to know each other with an activity outside the Comstock building.
by Kelly Smith | Aug 29, 2017 |
One week from today on September 5th, the Comstock building (grades K – 4) will be holding their annual curriculum night. This is a time for parents to come and hear a little bit about what is going to be going on throughout the year in the first and second...
by Lynn Hahn | Aug 27, 2017 |
Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter August 27, 2017 Reading This week the students read three chapters from Wayside School. We are comparing the main character in these chapters with the main character from Bad Case of Stripes. Next week we will be discussing themes...