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Newsletter August 27, 2017

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter

August 27, 2017




This week the students read three chapters from Wayside School.  We are comparing the main character in these chapters with the main character from Bad Case of Stripes.  Next week we will be discussing themes of books.  I will also continue testing your child’s reading level using the Fountas and Pinnell system.  You can find information about this system at




This past week the students began thinking of story ideas for a realistic fiction story.  They used things in their lives to help come up with ideas.  Students worked on developing the characters in their story.  Next week they will continue planning their stories and then work on the first draft of the story.  Ask your child to tell you his/her story idea.




Students are studying multiplication and division in math.  They have solved a variety of story problems and shown their work in a variety of ways.  The students learned the difference between prime and composite numbers.  Next week we will continue learning more about multiplication and division by playing a variety of math games.  There are some great resources at  




The students learned the steps to the scientific process this past week.  On Friday the students began learning about magnets.  The students tested different materials to see what is magnetic.  Next week the students will continue exploring and learning about magnets in science.




On Monday we went to the soccer field to see the eclipse.  Due to the clouds we had a lot of difficulty seeing the sun.  However, after returning to class the clouds cleared.  We took the students outside to see the eclipse.  The students were so excited to see it after being disappointed earlier.


Wish List


  1. Low odor white board markers for students to use
  2. Extra composition notebooks


Upcoming Events


August 28- NWEA testing and picture day

August 29- NWEA testing

September 5- Curriculum Night from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm for parents and guardians only

September 13- Farm to Table Lunch – Be sure to sign up


Parent Resources


How to be a Greener Parent

Differentiated Learning article for Parents


A Note from Mr. Hershiser


Our classroom is currently involved in an engineering unit and we want second hand or old bicycles to use as part of our unit.  We will use them to learn about simple machines and gears.    Bicycles that are broken or no longer work are wonderful as well.   Please send Mr. Hershiser communications if you have any bicycles to donate.   After we have finished learning from these bicycles we are going to donate them to an organization so they can be passed on to people/ kids who need them.