by Roxanne Turner | Sep 11, 2017 |
I want to write a quick note to let you all know that we had a class meeting this afternoon. During the meeting I told that class that I felt we have had an outstanding start to the year, and that in the past two days (Friday and Monday) I have noticed a change in...
by Kelly Smith | Sep 11, 2017 |
Just like in math, we have benchmark assessments for reading at every grade level. In first grade, we use two tools to check in on the students’ development in early literacy – AIMS Web Fountas and Pinnell. The AIMS Web portion of the benchmarking process...
by Susan Neil | Sep 10, 2017 |
We will kick off this week with Patriot Day for Spirit/ Attendance Week! In an effort to encourage all students to attend school this week, Mr. Zamiar has made the following promise: If the school has better attendance during Attendance week that we had last year, Mr....
by Susan Neil | Sep 10, 2017 |
We hope you are enjoying a bit of relaxation over this three day week-end. We have a busy week ahead with lots to fit into four days! Tomorrow is our science quiz on Eclipses and Lunar phases. Please remind your students to look over their ISN notes to prepare. After...
by Lynn Hahn | Sep 9, 2017 |
Multiplication, magnets, realistic fiction, computers, team handball, quiet spots, more weddings, and babies! We certainly tend to pack a lot into a shortened week. What does this all mean, keep reading. Everyone has been working hard on multiplication this week, the...