Classroom News

Good Evening, I hope this email finds you well. We have a busy upcoming week. Monday is the staff/student basketball game in the afternoon. Students love watching staff members take on our basketball team. Go staff! 🙂  On Wednesday, we have Farm To Table in the barn....

Turner Times 3/8/19

Hello everyone, Week one of third trimester is already on the books. Report cards should have been emailed home, and the sign-up link for conferences went out last week; for Turner homeroom families, please click here to sign up, if you have not already done so. To...

Newsletter March 3, 2019

Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter March 3, 2019   The students did a great job learning about multiplication and division in Unit 5.  The students can now solve a variety of story problems involving the four operations.  We just started Unit 6 on geometry including...