A Big Week

With Taste of the World on Monday and our camping trip right around the corner, this promises to be a big week! We are very excited to sample the recipes your students are bringing in tomorrow. If you are planning to drop food off for them during the day, please bring...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

We are so close to the end of the school year. I’m sure third grade has been flying by for you as it has for us. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, but I’ll admit I’m ready for a break. I know the kids are too. Nonetheless, we still have a few...

Turner Times 5/17/19

Salutations, This week students initiated studies of their final ELA unit of the year, The Hero’s Journey. Ask you child what they know about the steps, and about the connections they made to novels & movies from modern cultures. In social studies, students shared...

Classroom News

Good Morning, Students have been working on their Fictional stories in class during writing. They do have homework this evening and should complete at least half of their final drafts, if they didn’t do so in class today. Students placed their writing notebooks...