We are so close to the end of the school year. I’m sure third grade has been flying by for you as it has for us. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, but I’ll admit I’m ready for a break. I know the kids are too.
Nonetheless, we still have a few weeks remaining and we are still hard at work. Here are some highlights:
- PE – we played a training game for flag football, luckily the weather cooperated this week and we could be outside
- Indoor recess – we had some lightning in the area one day and had to stay inside, however, nobody seemed to mine. Kids danced, some played ping pong, a few took the playdough out, and another group painted with watercolors – it was so fun
- Science – the kids are learning about weather in Illinois so they’ve been researching a particular city and the weather trends over the past 20 years. A big focus is on hazardous weather and what can be done to be best prepared for it. They will be putting together slide shows, posters, and even videos to share what they learned
- Art – we got our clay projects out of the kiln, most should have brought them home this week. They are also doing a watercolor project with birch trees that are turning out really well.
- Here are some photos from the week – head on to the gallery tab for more
Have a great week!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck