Newsletter August 25, 2019

Newsletter 8-25-19   Dear families,   We had a successful first week of school.  It was great to see all the students again, and they really enjoyed seeing each other.  Our student-teacher, Mrs. Griffin, enjoyed getting to know the students. It was great to...

Welcome to 5th Grade

Wow! What a great first week we had at school. Your students are quickly learning the new routines of the Carson building and getting to know their new classmates. Everyone in 5th grade should now have a classroom job and received a direct deposit of their first...

Update 8/25/19

Hi Families! Quick notes to know: 8/27 Picture day- Please send your child in their picture day outfit and send a change of non-dress clothes as we will be learning outdoors in the afternoon (after pictures are taken) 8/30/19 Early Release Teacher In-Service 9/2/19 No...