Jump Rope Ninja Challenges (Grades 1-4)!!!!

As promised, a Mr. Flinn PE Classroom favorite!! Attached below is the links for our Jump Rope Ninjas activity that we participated in during our Jump Rope Unit. Feel free to print the challenges and enjoy a wonderful workout!! 1st Grade Jump Rope Ninjas 2nd Grade...

Room 21 Register – 4/17/2020

Happy Fri-yay!   We made it through another week of eLearning. Remember to be patient and kind to yourselves; everyone is doing the best they can!   Today marked the wrap-up to both our dystopia unit in ELA & our Egypt unit in Social Studies. Next week, we get to...

Room 21 Register – 4/10/2020

Hello everyone, Sending positive vibes out to all, hoping this first FULL week of eLearning went well. Next week we will be wrapping up current areas of study, so be sure to keep going strong and communicate if you would like support of any kind! 🙂 Today we have a few...

Room 21 Register – 4/3/2020

Hello!   We made it through our first round of eLearning; how is everyone doing/feeling so far? Please know that this new format may experience some changes as feedback rolls in, but we are pleased with students’ engagement this first week. If you have any...

eLearning Week 1: Students’ FAQ

Hi all, Thank you for your hard work and thoughtful questions this week. I want to be sure we are all on the same page and so I’ve created this brief FAQ email: Q: When is the dystopian writing due? A: There is not a set due date yet; I expect a first draft to...