Newsletter Dec. 6, 2020

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter  December 6, 2020   Zoom and 2nd Trimester Schedule   I have adjusted the schedule slightly for 2nd trimester. These changes reflect the breaks we were already taking, and I have added a few subjects. All students are expected to be...

Welcome to December!

We can’t thank you all enough for your continued support from home and the many ways our classrooms have become a community. The smiles and kind words we see and hear from students each day are an authentic example of the strong connections we all need right...

Sixth Grade Sentinel – 12/4/2020

Happy December, Thank you to the many families who set aside time to meet with homeroom teachers prior to Thanksgiving! It was so wonderful to connect and check in – please know we are always eager to find new ways to improve our support for students, and we are...

Update 11/30/20

  Hi Families! Quick notes to know: 12/8 PBIS lesson  12/11 Materials Exchange  12/17 Assembly 12/18 Early Release, Classroom party  12/21/20-1/1/21 Winter Break 1/4/21 School Resumes   Homework Calendar LINK Powerschool link  ...