Trash-Free Lunch Ideas

Would you like some ideas for how to pack a trash-free lunch? Our students watched the following video (made by kids) to see how they are already packing a trash-free lunch and other ways to prevent waste. Click here to see the video about trash-free lunches....

Class Updates Week of 10.5

Friday Happy Friday! Don’t forget to let me know if your child will be attending our field trip. Responses are due on Tuesday! Please click this link to read our commitment letter. Today we had our finale to anti-bully week. The students got to attend an...

Class Updates Week of 9.28

Friday We had a beautiful solo spots session today! The students were given the task of drawing a small part of a plant on a whole piece of paper. The goal was really for them to look at the small details of a plant. We had some beautiful sketches and drawings. Many...

Class Updates Week of 9.21

Friday Today we went outside to write in our nature journals. The students’ had an assignment to draw a plant of their choice. Then the wrote about the reasons why they knew it was a plant. Although we are still watching the life cycle of our mealworms we have...