Primitive Day

We had a great week!  We are working on a unit on changes over time in science.  We have been learning about how fossils are made and what the study of fossils can teach us.  The unit will continue next week as well. Our class has been working hard on creating designs...

Friday Feature (10/16)

With Monday off this week, the past four days have been very busy. Tuesday was our Green Challenge Assembly on “Trash-Free Lunches”. Next week we will be tracking our trash count during snack and lunch, celebrating days when we are completely trash-free as...

Primitive Day Tomorrow (Updated with Photos 10/23)

Tomorrow is Primitive day in 5/6. This event initiates our Social Studies unit on Early Man, called “Bones & Stones”. I recommended to students that they wear items that are not near and dear to them, as they will be making fire & working with...

Q & A with Arava Institute Guests

Today students had the pleasure of participating in a Q&A with guests from the Arava Institute. I decided to have a few students create a summary of this afternoon’s event: “We got the opportunity to meet to people from Israel and Jordan in Social Studies today....