SS Update

We will be wrapping up our Empires Unit on Mesopotamia in the next two weeks.  The students have been working very hard on their tasks in hopes of achieving “Empire” status for their civilizations.  They’ve also been doing some challenges where...

Midterms and PARCC scores

Midterms will be sent home with the students this Friday.  You will also be receiving your child’s PARCC scores from last school year.

ELA Update

After finishing the final drafts of our Dinosaur Research papers before break, we have now moved on to a new unit.  Our new unit is on Charley Harper style writing.  The students have already read through many of his writing pieces to try to get a feel for his writing...

January Green Challenge–Use Less Paper

St. Jude’s Ranch Greeting Card CollectionPCCS will be collecting used greeting cards for the St. Jude’s Ranch, which recycles them to make new greeting cards.  This program promotes green, sustainable choices while benefiting St. Jude’s programs to help abused,...

Welcome Back/Update (1/6/16)

Happy 2016, awesome PCCS families! Keep an eye out for midterms, coming home with students this Friday.Here is an update on what we will be working on in the coming weeks:ELA: We are beginning a poetry unit themed around artist Charley Harper. Here is a slideshow with...