Newsletter, March 19, 2016

Ms. Hahn’s NewsletterMarch 19, 2016MathThe students took a test on fractions this week.  The students began our lessons on decimals on Wednesday.  The students are doing a great job connecting decimals with fractions.  The students are working on tenths this week.  On...

Math Games

Here is a link for a variety of math games. Please check the download file in the right for the link to download all the games. I believe you only need a deck of cards, pencils and paper to play these games. I found these games...

Projects Over the Next Week

Students are wrapping up 2 of our units during the final week of March, and have a variety of projects to be working on while on spring break. For ELA, students should have completed their literature circle book and are now selecting 3 mini-projects from this...

Reminders & Updates

I have a few random reminders to send out:If you are interested in chaperoning the camp-out for our class, please fill out this questionnaire. This is where you can register and give us some background on prior camping experience. We will only be allowed to take 3...