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Newsletter, March 19, 2016

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter

March 19, 2016


The students took a test on fractions this week.  The students began our lessons on decimals on Wednesday.  The students are doing a great job connecting decimals with fractions.  The students are working on tenths this week.  On Friday the students played a variety of math games.   After spring break we will continue learning about decimals.

There are math games on the class webpage for the students to play and get better at math skills.  The students also brought a sheet of math top-it games to play during spring break.  To play the games sent home on Friday, you only need a deck of cards.


This week students read our science book about motion and matter during reading groups.  The students did a great job connecting the reading to the science lessons.  The students are also read articles on NEWSELA and stories on RAZ kids.  Thursday the students presented their cereal box projects.  I am impressed with the creativity and hard work the students put into their projects.


This week the students wrote to their book buddies in Waukegan.  The students listened to the book The Giving Tree and wrote about the book to their book buddy.  Students wrote how the tree made the boy happy and a time they were happy because they made someone else happy.  We plan on having the students from Waukegan visit PCCS during Earth Week.  


The students are enjoying our science lessons this week.  The students and Mrs. Steinbeck loved experimenting with tops.  The students used different materials to make their own tops and got to see the pattern created by a doodle top.  Another day students were given supplies and had to create a cart.  After spring break the students will be given a chance to improve their cart designs.  

Environmental Studies

This week the students went outside for phenology.  They noticed buds on small trees and bushes are starting to open.  Students also took time this week to till up the garden beds.  On Friday we planted our lettuce seeds.  Please look for an upcoming email for signing up to help with the garden beds this coming week.


The fourth graders will be taking PARCC tests in April.  You will find out the specific dates as it closer.  Parents are not allowed in the room during the testing time.  The students will be taking their tests using paper and pencil.  There will be 3 language arts tests and 4 math tests.  Most likely the students will only take one test a day.  You can find out more about the parcc test at  


Please remember to look at the classweb page for great pictures and updates.  Mrs. Steinbeck took many pictures and posted them for you to see.  

Upcoming Dates

March 21-25 – Spring Break, no school

March 30 – Farm to Table

April 4- PARCC test ELA 1

April 5- Green Challenge Assembly

April 6- Early Release

April 8- PARCC test ELA 2

Wish List

  1. spoons
  2. kid scissors