Week 7

Wow, it’s the end of September already! This week in science, we’ve learned more about wetlands; we hiked to a wetland and made marsh soup in class. We planted some spinach seeds in our garden, too. We’ve been working on strengthening our writing...

Sixth Grade Gazette 9/30/16

Dear parents,   Another great week at PCCS! This week, all 5th — 8th graders began Explore, which was known last year as W.I.N. After filling out a survey on what students’ preferences were, all students in the Carson building went to their classes, which...

October Look Ahead

Greetings PCCS families!  Here is a quick look ahead for the month of October which will include important calendar days and a plug for upcoming food drive.  Please continue to check out our site for updates and important messages.  Thank you. Food Drive: 10/3 –...

New Volunteer Calendar

We’ve created a new way for signing up to volunteer in our classroom! Thanks so much to everyone who has been using our previous calendar. Here is the link to the new calendar. You can also find it by going to my teacher page and clicking on the tab for...