Week 28

This week may have been short, but it was definitely jam-packed! Tuesday was especially busy, but fun! We had a PBIS celebration and the students had a blast bouncing in the bouncy house, going through the obstacle course, and scooting on scooters. The...

Sixth Grade Gazette 2/16/17

Dear parents,   For this shortened week, sixth grade still got a lot done! In Social Studies, everyone began working on their second travel log, focusing on a South American country. Please make sure that your children are working on this over the weekend if it...

You Can Never Trust a Groundhog

If this week-end and the forecast for the coming week is any indication, I don’t know if I believe that we will actually have six more weeks of winter! I hope you are enjoying the sunshine as much as I am today! We are heading into a busy week at PCCS! Tuesday...