Classroom News

Hello Families,   Please remind your student to charge their chromebook at home each night. Students need to come to school prepared, with a fully charged chromebook, and not need to charge it at school during the day. Valentine’s day is Monday, however, we will...

Update 2/7/22

Hi Families! Quick notes to know:   2/8 and 2/15 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. February Pokemon Club 2/11 February Natural Leaders Assembly (Virtual) 2/17 Early Release and Valentine’s Day parties  2/18 No School- Teacher institute day 2/21 No School- Presidents Day 2/25 No...

Classroom News

Hello 6th grade families, Taco bar Monday was a huge success in our math classes. Students worked hard to prepare vegetarian tacos, including making the shells from scratch. In EE this week, students worked in small groups to create a shelter for an outdoor mammal...